So, we started Pre-school with you this week...oh buddy. I have to keep reminding myself that you are only 2 1/2. It has really been a challenge so far. You want to do something else, don't want to listen, and what not. Plus I feel like you might not be learning anything...that's not even learn something from everything. Pre-school is something that isn't necessary but something that I feel is a good thing to do. To practice sitting still, listening, following directions and learning. So, we are doing our own curriculum from things I have pulled on-line, things I want you to know and things you need to know for Kindergarten. So far we have successfully had 'circle time' each morning with songs, memory verse, book reading and calendar time. Then we do a project that goes with our weekly theme, this project usually includes a fine motor skill. Then we do some more focused learning, like numbers, phonic or letter recognition. We start at 10am, Jack joins us for circle time then he goes down for a nap and we continue with school until lunch at around 12:30. So we're not doing anything for very long. We can get through things really quickly because it's just you and me. I think we will gradually increase the time we do school but for now this is working and you are still getting a nap/quite time in the afternoon. You are really enjoying the crafts. The other day you told me, "I really like learning school stuff Mommy." so at least you feel like you are learning something and you like it...job well done in my book!
Here you are on your first day of preschool!
Let's just call this: trying to get a toddler to smile!
I still think it's so cool that you want to be a rally car driver when you grow up! What a cool boy you are! Whatever you end up doing will be great but that it just such an awesome thing...and not a very common desired occupation of a little your Daddy and I think it's pretty cool!
I love teaching you Jake. It's so fun to watch you discover new things and watch the light bulb turn on. It's fun to watch you get frustrated with things and get so determined that you can accomplish anything! You are a great learner and so very smart. I look forward to what this year will teach both of us!