Monday, November 14, 2011

Bath TIme Fun!

You have always enjoyed your love to splash! I sit next to the tub with a towel over me so I don't get super splashed! We sing willy songs about a turtle and I squirt you with toys. The only part of your bath you don't like it getting your hair rinsed and the getting our part! You have started laying down in the is a picture of you relaxing in your bath. You lay down and say..."mmmm...warm!!" You love a warm bath. 

You have also started loving bubble you are playing in the bubbles!

You are such a silly boy! 
We love to use the vapor bath bubbles when you are sick (even when you aren't, it smells so good...and not girly, I just can't bring myself to cover you in lavender). 
I love the age you are at...baths aren't a lot of holding you up and straining...I just get to play with you and have a great time splashing around...I think baths help us both unwind! 

Well, were off to take another bath!

Mommy/ you take showers quite nicely to!

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