Monday, September 17, 2012


Jake, tonight you sung the whole alphabet from beginning to end, not missing any  letters. You have been mumbling the letters for sometime now. I really wanted you to be one of those kids that knows his alphabet but you had no interest in it. Twinkle, twinkle or itsy-bitsy spider, now those songs you love. Recently, after starting Pre-school you have been more interested in letters and their sounds, so I would like to take credit for you learning the alphabet but you just decided to memorize it and now you sing it all the time. You have been singing a lot of new songs lately. Tonight, when I normally sing you a song before bed, we snag together. I had tears in my eyes. There is something so special about singing with you. It touched my heart. I love singing and to share that with you brought such a deep joy to my heart. I wish I could put into words just how special it was for me to sing with you...I look forward to singing many more songs together. Christmas time will be a great time to learn some new songs! 

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