Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jackson is 4 Months Old!

Another month has come and seems like it was just yesterday we were bring you home and now I can't imagine our lives without you sweet Jack. 
Happy 4 Months Baby Boy!!

You can now roll over unassisted from back to front...the hard have yet to roll from front to back. You tolerate tummy time a little more and are pushing up with your hands quite well. Just yesterday during tummy time you started to move your legs in a army crawl style...oh buddy...the mobility is coming. You love to lay on your side and play. And you are quite the happy little kicker. You kick and flail your chunky limbs and coo and smile. It's a precious sight.

You have started solids (see previous post!). You hated rice cereal. You love banana's and currently are not a fan of yams (yams are like sweet potatoes). We still have two days of sweet potatoes and then can switch to something new. Next will be butternut squash. Then peas or green beans I haven't decided. I am making all of your baby food. I love knowing what you are eating plus it's cheaper and tastes way way better than jared baby food. On a side note...I tried those baby food pouches the other day...those taste great it's no wonder your bother likes those things...we will be doing those on our road trip when we have no way of keeping baby food cold. 

You are still not sleeping through the night. At first I thought it was something I was doing wrong. You get plenty of naps during the day...a morning, afternoon and short evening nap. You go down for these with little to no fussing. At bed time you usually need a little help to wind down but you are quickly learning how to put your self to sleep. You wake every night around 4am to eat. You are quite hungry and eat a full meal. I'm not about to not feed you. But, part of me wonders if this is eating out of habit or need. You are a big baby and might require extra food. I was hoping solids would help with this but no such luck. I think you just went through a growth spurt you were waking at 2, 5 and 7...oh buddy was I cranky. 

You are still eating every two hours and are exclusively breast fed. You refuse to take a bottle so it's all get tiring but I'm glad that you are getting the 'good stuff'. 

You giggle now quite regularly. Your sides and armpits are quite tickley! You have many sounds you make at us, coo's and goo's but now you have discovered how to yell. Apparently you have good breath support and can shout your words at us or increase your volume to let us know how serious you are about fussing or getting our attention! Oh, you can raspberry now too!

You adore your big brother. You watch him in awe. I can just see you studying his movements and want to be big just like him. In fact I think the army crawl and your desire to sit are because of Jake. 

You love to sit up. Preferably in someone's lap but really anywhere is fine. You are constantly doing crunches...even in your car seat you lift your head up to see whats going on. You can almost sit sit too far forward and kiss your toes. 

You have been on your reflux medicine for a few weeks now. When I can get it down your throat it helps. It's naturally flavored like peppermint...and I have the pharmacy flavor it like grape...i tried's I don't blame you. But, we have to try to get it in you twice a day and it's torture for both of us! You don't spit nearly as much now that you are taking this medicine. I also have noticed that when I don't drink milk it helps. So, I'm avoiding milk and attempting to give you the worlds worst tasting medicine. Things should improve as you age and with the addition of solids. Hopefully.

We went to the Dr. got three shots and an oral vaccine...poor baby, but you did great. No fever, a little bit of crankiness and some big nappin' and you were back to your smiley sweet self.

Your Stats:
Weight: 22lb. 5oz.
Length: 27 1/2 inches
Head Circumference: 44.8cm

As you can see from the above measurements you are huge! You are the weight of an average 14 month old and length of an average 8 month old! HUGE! You are heavier and longer than your brother was at this age but if your growth patterns resemble his you will slow way down in your weight already have. You will soon be sitting and then scooting and crawling and everything will work itself out. I love you are strong and manly already!

I know you are reading this and thinking...oh, I was a perfect baby..other than the whole not sleeping through the night thing. Well, you cry, you love to be held and whenever I try to accomplish anything around the house you don't like it and fuss. You poop like crazy...big amounts and always end up covering yourself and sometimes the couch and me too! You are a good baby are just a baby...doing baby things. You are learning to put your self to sleep quite nicely. Some nights (like last night) you fight sleep so much and then other nights I put you down in your crib awake but sleepy and you put yourself right to sleep. I think you are getting it.

You are a joy my Jackson Ray. You have the sweetest smile and pick on your brothers emotions so quickly...crying when he does. I can tell that your understanding is beyond your 4 months of life...I think you have your fathers gift of discernment...I see it in you even now. You are an amazing little guy. I am in awe of the little person that you are and who the Lord is creating you to be!

I'll stop blabbing are your 4 month pictures!

Ok I am take my picture!

Lovin those hands


This quilt that you are laying on was made by your will meet her in heaven one day...she was quite a lady. This quilt is not only colorful but I love that now we can remember it forever! 



look at those big blue eyes!

just so dang cute!!

And of course your monthly chair picture!! 

Look at how you have grown!!

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