Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jake is 15 months old!

You just turned 15 months old! I know it's not a major mile stone but each month bring with it new things you can do and new challenges! 

The day after you turned 15 months old you woke up from your nap in such a good mood. We played peek-a-boo for a little bit and just played around. 

You are such a joy!

I cherish these sweet, little moments with you. 

After you wake up from your nap you hand me your binkey, it's so cute. You know you have to give it up before you get out to play. I love that you are used to that and hand it over with out any issues!

You found another binkey in your bed, you little stinker.


Then I popped my head over the crib and said, "boo!". You giggled and squealed! 

You couldn't stand the anticipation of mommy peeking her head over so you peeked!!

here you go mama




I feel like I should call this the many faces of Jake...



This is your serious face. 

Pondering the deep things of life...

So silly, I think you saw a bird out side and got really excited!! "Brr!! Brr!!" That is how you say bird, you love birds. 

Mommy, why do you have that camera in my face. 

Searching for more birds.

Jake, you are such a joy. I know that someday you will have a sibling (Lord willing) and things will change. Know that I enjoy these little moments. I cherish these little times in my heart. I tuck them away and hold them dear. These are the moments that I became a mom for, these times make all the hard times bearable. There are many more sweet times than bad. I love our life with you. You have helped me convince daddy to have three kids! You are so fun that daddy think we can have more! We'll see what happens. But for now, I'm just loving this mommy stuff!!

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