Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Long time, no see

This past weekend Mommy and Daddy went to winter camp with the high schoolers. You went and spent the weekend with Nana, Papa, Uncle Matt and Uncle Alex. It was the first time I have even left you over night, let alone for multiple days!! I think you handled it much better than me. I made up silly things in me head, like you would forget I was your mommy, you would hate me or not want me to be your mommy any more. I knew these things were far from the truth but I still thought them. I was so nervous. You have been my world for the past 14 months. I have spent almost all of my time with you, caring for you or thinking about you. It was so strange to not have you on my hip all weekend. I felt lighter, and not in a way I enjoyed. Don't get me wrong, a little break was nice and I had a great time with the high schoolers but, part of my world was missing. You learned something new when you stayed at Nana and Papa's. You learned how you "pound it"! It's too cute, you put out your little fist and bump knuckles with everyone! It's really sweet. I also discovered that you have become more self aware this weekend. You now point to your eyes and nose when asked where they are and, you know how you are. I asked you this morning, "Where is Jake?" and you pointed to yourself and said, "Jake!". You get quite proud of your self when you learn something new, as you should. It's so sweet to see you learning and growing.  The funniest part about being back together, you are now testing me like crazy. I thought you might cry when you saw daddy and I or the first time or you might ignore us to "punish" us but no, you decided to act out. You banged on the table during our reunion dinner at Chevy's. You very well know you aren't allowed to bang on the table. But never the less you decided to test that waters. Daddy even had to take you out side to have a little chat at one point. You are a little line pusher and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you my boy. It is so good to be back together. Your daddy missed you like crazy and couldn't wait to snuggle with you. You hung out with him on Monday and watched Star Wars! You love being with your daddy! It's so sweet to see the two of you bond and your love for one another grow so deep. Daddy said the other day that he wants 10 more just like you, so get ready for some brothers (and sisters if mommy has anything to say about it!) In good time you will have some, but for now, you are our boy and we like it that way

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