Friday, September 9, 2011

Big Boy Bed

A few weeks ago you feel/jumped out of your crib. After that we moved everything away from your crib and hopped that the experience was scary enough to keep you from doing it again. I was nervous you would do it again, you don't have much fear. You are tall and all you did was throw your leg over the side and flipped yourself. no matter how impressive it was, it was dangerous. 
I have been bugging Daddy to move a big kid bed into your room. I think Daddy was in denial that you needed a big bed and I don't think he wanted to mess with constantly putting you back in bed. But today was the day. My plan was to put it in your room and talk about it a lot for a week or so until you seemed interested. You had other plans. 
Daddy moved in the bed. We decided that a twin mattress on the floor would be best for you. I put a few pillows on it and a fuzzy blanket that has Jeep's, Lion's and Zebra's. You loved the blanket. 
At nap time I put you in your crib, same as usual and you asked for your 'big bed'. I told you when you were ready you could sleep in your big bed. Then you asked for the blankie that was on the bed. I told you, you could only have it if you slept in your big bed. You nodded in agreement and asked for the big bed again. 'Well, ok' I thought 'he's asking for it so he must be more ready than i thought'.
I put you in your big bed, re-explained the rules of staying in the bed until Mommy and Daddy get you out and I gave you two chances and then it would be crib time again. 
You did well at first. Quiet, then talking then walking around the bed. Luckily Daddy had installed a camera in the room today too. We laughed while watching you. Then you did it, you stepped out of bed. I went in, told you it was not play time and discovered a poopy diaper. Changed and clean you went back in your bed. Then you stepped out of bed again. This time you went back into your crib. You sobbed. You were very sad that you weren't in your big bed. We waited until you calmed down and then gave you one more chance in the big bed. You cried for a few seconds and then fell asleep. You slept for 2.5 hours! Victory!! Well, a great beginning at least.

here you are sleeping you your big bed!!

 I'm sure you will test more and more along the way but I'm happy that you are understanding the concept of staying in bed. You didn't even roll off the bed! 
Tonight you wanted your big bed again so we are trying it. You cried for a bit but now you are awake but staying in your bed. It might take you awhile before you get used to falling asleep somewhere new. You are a huge creature of habit. This change is a big one!
Next up is potty training. I'm struggling to know when...I don't want to rush you out of diapers because of the next baby. I would really like to not change two sets of diapers and to buy two sizes. But you will know when you are ready. Hopefully I will be able to tell too! 

Mama/proud of her big boy!!

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