Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Jackson Ray Arrived...

Hey Jack,

This is the story of how you came into our world!

Thursday morning February 23rd we drove to the hospital. We were up before the sun and arrived at the hospital at 6:30 am...the time we were scheduled for. 
Daddy and I drove our car full of stuff and Nana and Grandma followed in their car. 
We got checked in, I changed into my cute hospital gown and signed a bunch of paper work. 
A nurse came in and was asking me questions while another one was giving me an IV...the one giving me a IV did a terrible job...she dug around a bit on my wrist then decided to move to the top of my hand...I have veins you can hit with a dart so she was pretty bad if she couldn't find a vein . The IV she finally got in was still really painful and I had to hold my hand a certain way for it to not feel like it was ripping off my hand...I figured i would deal with it...labor would soon drown out that pain. 
Maria came in and broke my water at around 7:15am...I was dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced...then it was time for walking. Daddy and I walked up and down the hospital hallway probably close to 50 times that day. I started having tiny tiny contractions...I had braxton hicks that were stronger. They let me go for quite a while like this...hoping that labor would start on it's own. 

It didn't. Our lovely nurse Debbie came in and talked to me about starting Pitocin. I was severely disappointed...but I wanted you to come out so I agreed. At 10:30am they started me on 2ml per/hr of Pitocin and it started things pretty quickly. By noon my contractions were regular but not progressing so they upped the Pitocin to 4ml. Then I walked some more. I walked with your Daddy, Nana, Grandma and Papa (not all at one time). Up and Down the hallway. Pausing occasionally when contractions would come. At 1pm I was at 4cm....dissapointed again. I was hoping to be further along. After Maria checked me she said I was progressing well and that we should have a baby by dark. I laughed to myself. That was only a few hours gets dark by 5ish...I couldn't possibly have the baby by then...or so I thought. Jake's labor took a very long time so I wasn't getting my hopes up. 

My Pitocin was upped again to 6ml and boy did that get things going. I labored from 1 to 3...holding your Daddy's hand for each contraction. As contractions got stronger I leaned on your Daddy...he was a huge part of getting you here. He was a huge support...litterally. I stood some, but mostly sat on the end of the bed...breathing through each contraption as it came. They were big and strong and about 1 min. to 30 seconds apart. By 3ish I was getting tired and a very antsy. We asked the nurse to get the tub ready...I just needed a change of scenery. She told me to get in the shower while we waited for the tub. I sat on an exercise ball and let the water run over me. Then something happened... I went crazy. I'm not proud to admit this but transition was a very interesting time for your Mommy. I stood in the corner of the shower with my head in the corner screaming through each contraction...yes...screaming. The contractions were so strong and right on top of each other, I couldn't catch my breath (this might sound only lasted for 10 min.). I knew I couldn't last much longer like this so I told your Daddy to tell a nurse to come in. (I found out later that your Daddy was getting teary...he hated seeing me in so much pain and there being nothing he could do.) In came Bethany, a midwife from Maria's practice. I smiled at her, glad to see a familiar face. She asked me if I was determined to do this with out meds...I said yes and then went into explaining how I messed that up by having Pitocin...leave it to your mother to have a lengthy conversation during labor. She told me she was going to turn the piton off and let labor go...then I had a contraction...a big one...oh buddy a big one! I screamed a little and felt like I needed to push. You dropped, your Daddy saw my tummy shudder and Bethany told me she was going to check me right where I was. She told me I was ready...we were going to have you. It didn't really click...just how close we were to having you. I had another HUGE contraction while getting out of the shower, I couldn't hold myself up, your Daddy and Bethany held me up through it, I pushed and then they helped me waddle to the bed. They got me on the bed and were crowning!! 

At this moment, time stopped. I realized I was going to have you, I had done were so close to being in my arms. I caught my breath, gathered my strength and pushed. I yelled "Jackson!" and then you started to cry. 

You arrived at 3:31pm on Thursday February 23rd
10lbs. 2.4oz.
20 1/2 inches long
with a full head of blonde hair
you have your Daddy's chin and half smile
and your Mommy's nose

They laid you on my chest and I kissed your sweet hands as you touched my face. I said, "Hello Monkey...I love little love monkey...Hi Jackson". Ok so after labor you expect me to make complete sentences? I was so glad to have you in my arms. You made these sweet little grunts and coos as you lay there. It's like you were telling me all about what just happened to you, it was very sweet. 

You laid on my chest for quite a while...Maria was on her way and we were waiting for her (she was so bummed that she missed you...she said she knew she shouldn't have left!!). We all smiled and cried and looked at were beautiful. When Maria arrived, Daddy cut the cord...squirted us with blood and then you got washed hated that so much. Poor nurse Debbie, you screamed at her the whole time. 

Then your Papa and Grandpa came into meet you

Your Grandma was holding you and you started sucking on your hands like a hungry little monster so...we decided to try to nurse. You latched right on and the rest is breastfeeding history. 

Your birth was such a beautiful experience, one that I will cherish in my heart for the rest of my life. 

Later that day you got to meet your brother for the first time. This is a moment I have been waiting for my whole pregnancy. I tired not to plan it out too much and to let Jake be himself and a toddler at that. But it was wonderful. Jake walked in and was excited to see us, then he wanted to share is car with you and he kissed you and said that he loved you. A precious moment that I won't soon forget. 

Then you met your uncles. I think they were bumbled that they weren't there when you were born but they were watching Jake and that meant all the world to me, to have two someones I trust taking care of a piece of my heart (your brother). They were so excited to meet you!

We hung out at the hospital for a brief 24 hours and then brought you home to start our life.


  1. Oh Christy...I was so excited that you had posted this! I had been waiting and hoping that I would get to hear your story soon. It was so beautiful!!! I was fighting back tears almost the entire read, haha :)
    I would love to know if you have any advice or feedback on second time pregnancy, labor, delivery, etc. Your story with Jackson sounded very similar to my story with Coen (though I didn't get to walk around! So bummed. Plus it did take a little longer being my first, as you had with Jake). I was diagnosed with GD at week 32 and therefore they didn't want me passing my due date- so I had to be induced. I am going to try everything in my power to avoid it next time so everything can happen on it's own. I know- it's all ideal in our heads :) I am so glad you are doing well and I would love to hear anything you have to say!
    The basics of my L&D are: water broke Monday evening, arrived at hospital a couple hours later (this was the night of my scheduled induction anyway), no progress so induced at 2:30am, I responded to pitocin right away, labored hard until he was born at 8:54am (Tuesday). I would love to skip the induction next time- those contractions were NUTS. :)

  2. labor the second time was easier. I mean I didn't have an epidural so it was different pain. Jake was face up so I had terrible back labor. I saw a chiropractor and he adjusted everything he could and I swear that he is the reason I had an easier labor...did you know that your pelvis can be out of line and throw off going into labor and how hard it is and even cause you to need a c-section. your uterus can be out of alignment...i had no idea. But with all of that in-line Jack came out easy...three pushes. and he wash't totally face down, like babies should be, he was sideways. the second time waiting was easier because I was running around with Jake, he was a nice distraction. I'm not sure if I have any specific advice about the second labor other than...having a gift from the baby to the older sibling really helped with us. And I loved having Jack on my chest, enjoying those first few moments...I would push for that. Also, that shower was great...handles to hold on to...a labor ball and hot water it was great, i recommend the shower! This time I rally knew what I wanted and didn't want and I pushed for those things. I didn't let nurses walk in and tell me to nurse my baby, I had them do all of their measurements and shots at one time so Jack was with us a lot. I felt like this wasn't my first time so I know what I'm talking about and no one is going to push me around...unless of course some medical attention was needed. I hope that helps. I'm so glad that we can share stories and advice. I love this whole stage of life...having babies and raising a family...even though right now I have two screaming kids in the background!!
