Thursday, October 13, 2011

Big Boy Words

Your vocabulary has been rapidly expanding and you now say some pretty cute things. You went from one word to two word combos and now...some pretty full sentences. Your first sentence was, "I afraid of the dark."I was surprised by the completeness of your statement and by the fact that you think you are afraid of the dark. You aren't really. You walk into dark rooms, sleep completely through the night in the dark and you love the moon and stars. So, I was quite shocked by your first sentence. 
Not only is your vocabulary expanding but so are your feelings and emotions. You were never afraid of something before. You are learning to label your feelings and we are helping you to manage them. You are quite the feeler. You feel things deeply. When someone leaves, when you don't get your way, your little heart breaks. But, you are a good listener and we can explain things to you and you understand. It's a work in progress and I'm learning to not take every fit and bout of defiance personally. It's hard...every child is different and sometimes I compare you to other kids...and that's not fair to you or all. I'm learning, this whole process is new to both of us. I always thought my parents knew what they were doing...but, no amount of reading or babysitting has prepared me for the real life decisions I face everyday. Do I spank you...time out...take away that toy...sit you down and talk...a condo of all of the above. Somedays it feels like a barley make it through with my sanity but, you are growing up to be quite nice and even polite. There isn't much more I can ask for right now. You are discovering who you are just as much as we are getting to know you. 
My favorite new thing that you do is narrate your self. You say things like..."I sit down" "I do it" "I get it" "I pick it up" "I color" "I play with cars"...I love it!! I love that you know what you are doing and you love to tell us. You are so proud of the fact that you can communicate with us. It is such a joy to watch you grow and learn. 
Something else thats new...I think we are going to start potty training. I want to just do it in one swoop and will probably start the 'three day method' soon. Let's do it or not. But, to see if you were ready, Daddy and I bought you a really cool ramp/launcher thing for your cars! It sat on the back of the toilet in your bathroom and you would try and try to go potty in your toilet so you could get this toy. You totally understood what we wanted you to do and that you would get that awesome toy if you went in the potty! So one night Daddy sat you down to try and you went!!! We were so excited. It was the smallest amount of pee I have ever seen but you did it! We rejoiced and you clapped for yourself. You were so excited to get your new toy. We even stayed up a little past bed time to play with it! So, another journey begins. I'm not quite sure I'm ready...I think potty training is more about mommy training at first...always asking if you have to go. Well, here goes nothing. 

We took these pictures today...I love being silly with you!!

Love, Mama/glad to be on this journey with your Daddy and you!! (and soon our little Jackson)

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