Monday, December 5, 2011

Growing Up

Hey Jake, 
This is your last week as a one year old. It's hard to believe how much you have changed this year. You learned how to walk, talk, form sentences, run, throw a fit, flirt (although I'm pretty sure you war born knowing how to do this), stack blocks, beat box (daddy is trying to teach you), dance, sing songs. You became a person, with real emotions and desires. You became a little are no longer a baby. In some ways I am sad about you growing up so quickly but you are such a joy. Even when you pitch a fit. I love that you are learning to express your self and that you are figuring out your emotions. You are becoming quite the delightful little boy. You are so polite, smart and loving. We grow to love you more each day Jake, you are such a gift. We just try to soak up every moment with you...your daddy and I adore you!! And we know you are going to be such a great big brother! 

So, here we go...almost 2...Holy Crap!! I can't believe it!!

Love, Mommy/ slow down on the growing up ok?!

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