Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Big Boy

Yes you are a big boy. Not chubby by any means, ok maybe a little, but you are tall. You are 5 months old and you look like most 8 month olds. I'm glad you're not some tiny little thing.  But it gets so old hearing, "oh my, he's a big boy!" or "wow he's big for his age" or my favorite, "He's huge!". I guess I should be glad that they know you are a boy. I have only gotten the gender question once. I make sure to dress you like a boy. Anyways, your size has it's advantages. You are strong and can hold your head up very well and you're getting close to sitting and crawling. You eat well and that means you sleep well!! being big also has it's disadvantages. I never had a small baby. you went through clothes so fast as I'm sure every baby does but your in 9 month outfits now! and the hardest thing of all is that people look at you and think you should be walking! and when you can't they think something is wrong with you. Then I explain to them that you are only 5 months old and then they say one of the above phrases! I'm proud of you, my big boy. I wouldn't have you any other way. Healthy!!

P.S. this in no way dooms you to be "big" for the rest of your life. The first 6 months of life you grow based on diet and then you grow based on genetics.

Mommy/proud to have delivered all 9lbs. 13oz. of you!!! 

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