Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Inevitable

Well, it has finally happened. You said no to me. It wasn't some huge thing it just happened. I asked you "can you give mama the car keys?" and you said, "mo". 'Mo' is how you say, No. It's too funny. Ted (our dog) will walk over to you and start licking your face and you will push him away and say, "mo, mo dog". I love it. I think I'm going to have to stop asking questions I don't want your answer to. You wanted to keep my keys and gave me your answer, no. It wasn't like you were trying to be defiant and totally rude, after all I was the one who asked you. You were just giving me your answer to my question. This whole Toddler thing is pretty crazy Jake. You are a lovely boy but you love to test your limits and I know that right now I need to draw a hard line, if not you will be a crazy two year old! Everyday brings new challenges and it's exhausting keeping up with you and constantly trying to redirect and correct you. Don't get me wrong, I love being your mama and I love the stage you are at, but I find my self more tired than I was when you were just days old! I know it might get more crazy before you settle down but that's ok with me. This is what I signed up for, a messy, crazy life with a wonderful boy!!

We are thinking about adding another kid to the mix, what do you think of that? I might be crazy to think of adding one now, but oh well. I want you guys to be close. Who knows how many we will end up having, sadly money plays a big part in our decision. We want you and your sibling(s) to have a fun life. Not spoiled but we want to be able to afford vacations and lessons and sports. But, we still want Mama to stay home with you. So, something has to give we can't have it all. We'll see what happens. And if you are the only child we end up having, that's ok too.  Life is great with you! I love our little family of three!

Love, Mama/ wondering what I got myself into!?

P.S. After I posted this a friend asked me how I responded. Well, we were walking to the car and you said "mo". Being slightly in shock and not wanting to make a big deal out of anything I said, "Jake, we don't say no to mama. I'm sorry I asked you a question I should have said, "Hand Mama the keys please." Then you started handing me the keys, we ended up trading keys for a Hot Wheel's truck. I figured if I made it a huge deal you would do it again for attention so, I kept calm and addressed what needed to be. It will probably happen again but, we will deal with it one step at a time!!

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