Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I figured you were about the right age to start playing with Play-doh...if you were the kind of kid to stick everything in your mouth we might have postponed but you are really good about only sticking food in your mouth. You love to joke about sticking non-food things in your mouth...mama doesn't always think it's as funny as you do (look Ma I'm going to eat this bug...haha...just kidding I know it's not food!)!! Well here you are playing with Play doh for the first time!

before we played with Play-Doh we had to play Scrabble Flash, Mama and Daddy love this game, so you do too! Someday it will be good for your spelling skills! 

Silly boy



Squishing licked your hand and decided Play-Doh was definitely not for eating!!

More Play Doh stacking

You really had a great time...I just realized your tongue is out in most of these pictures, your tongue is out most of the time recently. Funny funny boy. I'm excited to incorporate into our learning play time! We do some flash cards and some matching things through out the day in short bursts to keep things easy. Soon we will do finger paints and coloring...I love teaching you new things and I love watching you learn!! You bring me so much joy Jake, even on the hard days, you are a gift!! 

Love, Mama/excited to play with Play-Doh again!

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