Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Messy Messy Boy

You love berries, of any kind. Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. You love them. So much so, that we can't put them on the table during dinner or you won't want anything else to eat! Tonight I gave you the bowl of berries after you ate enough dinner. Normally I'll either feed you the berries or give you just a few on your tray but I have given in to your messiness and let you feed yourself tonight! Here is what you looked like after you ate your berries:

Messy! We went straight to the tub so you wouldn't stain purple and blue!

Here you are after your bath...all clean!

I love that you are experimenting with new things and learning to feed yourself. I am learning to be ok with the mess, mess making means you are learning!

Love, Mama/ most likely cleaning up after you

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