Monday, February 20, 2012

Almost 40 weeks... we are Jack...if you haven't noticed you are still in inside my tummy!! What are you still doing there? OK, so if you can't tell I'm a little done...don't get me wrong. I absolutely love being pregnant and experiencing all that goes along with that. However you are probably about 10 lbs. now and are so far down. The other night I was having regular braxton every 10 min at 30 seconds each. Then I laid down to go to bed and they stopped...super bummer, I was hoping you had finally decided to come! I know you aren't late yet so I have no reason to be this impatient. However, your Daddy just started a new job and hasn't earned time off yet and doesn't get the benefit of family time off yet. So, his wonderful scheduler gave him four days off in a row...the four days after my due date. So, you really need to come soon. Sadly, if you don't come on your own in the next few days we are going to have to take measures to get you out. I am trying everything I know. Walks, evening prim rose oil capsules, red raspberry leaf tea, stretches...I have a chiropractor appointment scheduled for your due date and a midwife appointment tomorrow. So, we will be talking about other things to do and an induction will be put on the schedule I think. Bummer. I'm pretty down today. I really really want you to come on your own. I really don't want to feel those crazy piton induced contractions. I have no idea what regular contractions feel like...well the big ones. I have read that hormones decrease near the end of pregnancy and can lend a hand in my feeling blue...well lets hope that you are ready. I can't wait to meet you. But, I want you to be ready. I just had my heart set on you arriving naturally and I feel slightly depressed that that might not be how everything goes down. I think I would really love to say that I did it the way I wanted, the tough girl way. How sad that I feel like I have something to prove, when it's all about you. Everything I do needs to be done for our health, our safety. My heart is already so full of love for you and I just can't wait to hold you and see your daddy hold you and have your brother give you a hug...oh my heart is just aching for those moments. Well, no matter what my sweet Jack I will be holding you soon, in whatever way it happens. The important part is that you will be here, adding another piece to our family. (your daddy would say you complete our family but I'm not quite ready to say that yet. We'll see...)

I love you sweet Jack!

Mama/ ready to have sleepless night to feed you and not just because I'm huge!!


  1. Oh Christy, try not to be sad! I will be praying for you tonight. I have enjoyed following your journey (from about mid-pregnancy) and I am hoping so much with you! I too was induced with Coen and those contractions sure are hard-core. I have the same wish- to labor and deliver naturally should the Lord bless us with another little one.
    I have been curious about one talked about method- have you tried pumping? Just interested in what you found if so. I am trying to have some ideas on hand for next time :)
    I will be praying for not just your little Jack but also that your husband will find continued grace and favor with his new employer. Best wished to you my friend!
    Love, Shayna

    1. I did try pumping...and it didn't do anything. I had my membranes stripped...nothing. My last pregnancy I drank caster oil...oh buddy that was gross and terrible and still nothing. The thing that gave me the strongest contractions was sex...but it still didn't put me into labor, obviously. I think my body just has to be kick started! which honestly now i am fine with. At least i didn't go into labor early or have any complications that way...if this is how i have babies than well, so be it. But that is easy to say now that I am not pregnant any more.
